Lutosławski through the Lens
The Witold Lutosławski Society wishes to sincerely thank Gabriela Bogusławska, Marcin Bogusławski, Krystyna Witkowska, Olgierd Witkowski, Maja Trochimczyk, Marek Kurowski, Erazm Ciołek, Janina Januszewska-Skreiberg, and Danuta Gwizdalanka for sending their photographs to the photo gallery.
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W obiektywie
Koncert Witolda Lutosławskiego w Filharmonii Narodowej w Warszawie (7.02.1992).
Family house in Drozdowo
Little Witold with his dad, 1913
The Lutosławski family
The Lutosławski family
The young Witold
The Lutosławski family
A game of croquet
An excursion
At the piano at his grandfather's house
Witold Lutosławski in a kayak
On holidays
On holidays, 1971
With Marcin Bogusławski
The composer sailing on the Lake Michigan
Witold Lutosławski with his family
Witold Lutosławski with his wife, Danuta and Krzysztof Meyer
Title page of Venetian Games
The author's description of Jeux Vénitiens
A „crib” for Jeux Vénitiens
A „crib” for Jeux Vénitiens
A „crib” for Jeux Vénitiens
Corrections to Paroles tissées
Title page of Preludes and Fugue
Composer's „crib”
Composer's „crib”
Composer's „crib”
A „crib” for Les espaces du sommeil
Title page of Mi-parti
Manuscript of Novellete
Title page of Mini Overture
Portfolio with Chantefleurs et chantefable
Facsimiles of Chantefleurs et chantefables
Private collections of Gabriela and Marcin Bogusławski
Poster for the concert
Poster for the concert
Solidarity Prize
The award for the Symphony No. 3
The award for the Symphony No. 3
A letter
Author of photos: Andrzej Nowicki