PWM Edition Polish publisher of Witold Lutosławski’s music: short biography, list of compositions, editions of works, bibliography, information about performances
Chester Music English publisher of Witold Lutosławski’s music: short biography, list of compositions, editions of works, bibliography, information about performances
Polish Music Centre Encyclopedia of Polish composers – the entry on Lutosławski contains a list of compositions, discography, index of Lutosławski’s spoken statements and publications on his subject
Witold Lutosławski Center Biography, list of works, bibliography, survey of his creative output, three issues of the periodical Lutosławski Studies
Woven words. Music Begins Where Words End Website of The Year of Lutosławski 2013 celebrations. The portal includes short documentary films devoted to the biography and work of Witold Lutosławski, articles and discussions of compositions by specialists in the subject, a photo gallery and calendar of planned concerts.
Forum Muzykologiczne (Musicological Forum Periodical) (in Polish) Section devoted to Witold Lutosławski in the second issue of the periodical published by the Council of the Musicologists’ Section of the Polish Composers’ Union. The issue includes a lecture by Witold Lutosławski and articles by B. Pociej, A. Bartos-Chmielewska, D. Gwizdalanka, K. Meyer, J. Paja-Stach, A. Dziadek, J. Dadak-Kozicka, A. Sławiński, A. Jarzębska.
Polar Music Prize Information about the prize, biography and survey of output in the form of an exhibit, excerpts from compositions
The Library of Polish Song (in Polish) Index of the songs from the Polish Underground, collective songs and songs authored by Witold Lutosławski – texts and information about editions
Polska Music Web portal “Polska Music” of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute: biography of Lutosławski, portions of scores
Polish Music Journal Issue devoted to Chopin and Lutosławski includes: a study by M. Homm on the Trois poèmes d’Henri Michaux and A. Chłopecki’s review of her monograph on W. Lutosławski
Onpolishmusic A series of articles on Witold Lutosławski written by the English musicologist Adrian Thomas
Central Europe Review Article by Nicholas Reyland devoted to Witold Lutosławski’s Symphony no. 1
Res Facta Nova (in Polish) Archive of the periodical Res Facta/Res Facta Nova: index of articles about Lutosławski. Online articles by M. Tomaszewski and Z. Skowron on Witold Lutosławski from the Res Faca Nova issue 2007, no. 9(18)
Nowa Muzyka (New Music) (in Polish) Internet magazine for contemporary music lovers – articles on Witold Lutosławski, including: a fragment of “The Path to Mastery” by D. Gwizdalanka and K. Meyer, as well as texts by Andrzej Chłopecki and Daniel Cichy
recordings of selected songs of the Polish Underground: “Open Space Ahead”, “Happy Platoon”, “Iron March”
recording of Bukoliki (Bucolics)
recording of the premiere of the Piano Concerto
public lectures by Witold Lutosławski (on compositional methods, on Paroles tissées, speech at the Congress of Polish Culture, and on political changes after 1989)
comments on Witold Lutosławski (e.g. the posthumous reminiscences of Julia Hartwig)
Ninateque of the National Audiovisual Institute (NINA)